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Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Mom

77 is a magic number, she woke up and saw dolphins in the Atlantic

I'm so grateful for my mom

Daisy Chain is gaining wonderful links, and most of the annuals are transplanted to the field.

Here is a picture of 25 bouquets I made Wed. night for the Lincoln School gang.

Tumwater Market starts next week, Wed. May 28th. I'll be there with whatever is blooming.

I also have extra veggie starts for sale, if you have garden space. I made some patio "salad bowl" planters (different lettuces, kale, chard, cilantro or dill, arugula) to sell. We'll see.

I've been busy at the Kiwanis garden. Transplanting cabbage, weeding beets, sowing pole beans, etc... The guys are constructing a new hoophouse. We are looking for donations of tomato and pepper starts to grow for the food bank. I'm always happy to have volunteers to join our efforts to grow fresh produce for those who can't afford "the daily five".

Enough for now, SL

Saturday, May 10, 2008

To all new Daisy Chain members

Welcome! And thanks for becoming a link in our 2008 floral adventure.

I've gotten behind in the blogging, a good sign that my work is outside, with long physical hours and everything is growing after all. It's still in the low 30'sF at night. We're guessing when the veggies and flowers will nourish us, but all is growing steadily hardy, er hardly, I'd say.

I've been receiving registration forms daily, a gentle boost via post. So I post here to open this community trust. Here's some photos: Feel free to write in.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Snow on the Mountain"

Little baby Euphorbias in the greenhouse.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Mom took me to the tulip fest and all we saw was this
photo by Aiyana from the backseat
and this
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weeding Perennials

I was weeding over at Common Ground today. The Veronica is free, the Alstromeria is looking good, the Asiatic Lilies are poking up, as are the Peonies, and lot's of new growth all around. Julie was pruning the 20 year old lavender bushes, so we got to talk about life, family, books, plans, insights, skills, etc... while we worked. Precious time with this amazing mentor and friend.
A beautiful day!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Flower Confidential and Wildcrafting weeds

Amy Stewart's book is out in paperback. If anyone wants to borrow mine, just ask.

She also has a wonderful blog.

We picked a bunch of nettles today.

Will make creamy nettle soup and dry some for tea.

Get the sap running, hopefully.

Full on at the Food Bank Garden.

Big work Party all day Sat.

Please feel free to join us.

call or write for info.

Be well

Monday, March 31, 2008

Avril Foley Dia

OK. I'm a bit of a cable newbie, so I've really been enjoying You tube.
Excuse me if you have modem dial up.
But this one is farm related.
Felt like sharing.
Daisy Chain

Thursday, March 27, 2008

April Book Club Selection

Kiran Desai
"The Inheritance of Loss"
I'm looking forward to reading this one!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Planting seeds
Moon Brite, Soraya, Valentine, Pro-cut, Sonja, Peach Passion, Joker, Autumn Sun, Ring of Fire, Sun Brite, Sola Pura, Solidad,
What is your favorite thing about sunflowers?
Names, latin xwords for sunflowers
Just wondering which is the fave this year.
I believe I just made it easier to post comments
on my blog ( I love saying that)
Try me.
here we go again
Moon Brite, Sun Brite, Valentine
Viva la Soul,
Sol, solidarity
Sunflower in my potting soil.
Moonbright, Sunbright
Say a prayer for the seeds.
Thanks and Peace

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Artful Experiment

Farming is a whole lot of Science where you have no grip on variable. But you still want to embrace a method. Taking notes and plotting, all for the solution. Is it food? Is it growth? Is it the expansion of knowledge? The security of being able to survive? That part where it matters how things seem, the listening with fingers or eyes, the dust, and when appreciation blossoms and gratitude creeps out of all 4 corners, when the garden is whole and crankin compassion. It's fun.
It's art.
It's scientifically terrific
Agricultural science is a language we all need to learn. I make fun of things, but I recognize how grant validated trends can really help. So, narrow your focus and proove!
I'll tell you how I got my BS if you ask.
Peace and

What does CSA stand for?

Community Supported Agriculture

I"m looking for input on the definition.
Do you have an insight? Please share.
My brochure explanation will be seen to the left I hope.
Thanks for asking questions on this blog.

Happy Spring!

Yesterday was the Equinox and it's time to get busy. Hey, My fingernails are dirty! Yippee! It's been a long winter for me...Did anybody notice the snow this morning? I spent part of the day over at the Kiwanis greenhouse, mixing up potting soil, taking stock of all that needs to be done. We've got cabbage, onion, and leek seeded. I am fortunate to have use of this greenhouse for Daisy Chain starts. However, since it is unheated, I sow a number of flowers in my dining room under grow lights where it's warmer at night. I can keep a better eye on them at home for the time being.
Now it's early evening and the sun is shining. This is my first time blogging, so bear with me as I figure it out. I hope to keep my CSA members in touch with the farm activities this way, as well as share interesting flower trivia I come across, musings, photos, etc.. And hopefully get a conversation going between us as a community. So< please feel free to offer any feedback and participate.
I'll be sending out a mailer with registration info soon. Maybe I'll put it up on here? I'll have to figure that one out.