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Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Spring!

Yesterday was the Equinox and it's time to get busy. Hey, My fingernails are dirty! Yippee! It's been a long winter for me...Did anybody notice the snow this morning? I spent part of the day over at the Kiwanis greenhouse, mixing up potting soil, taking stock of all that needs to be done. We've got cabbage, onion, and leek seeded. I am fortunate to have use of this greenhouse for Daisy Chain starts. However, since it is unheated, I sow a number of flowers in my dining room under grow lights where it's warmer at night. I can keep a better eye on them at home for the time being.
Now it's early evening and the sun is shining. This is my first time blogging, so bear with me as I figure it out. I hope to keep my CSA members in touch with the farm activities this way, as well as share interesting flower trivia I come across, musings, photos, etc.. And hopefully get a conversation going between us as a community. So< please feel free to offer any feedback and participate.
I'll be sending out a mailer with registration info soon. Maybe I'll put it up on here? I'll have to figure that one out.


Daisy Chain CSA said...

Nice start! It works.

Carrie Claussen said...

Great Idea1 i would love to see some photo's of your flower's

Daisy Chain CSA said...

Thanks Carrie,
I'll be putting up a bouquet photo album soon. Peace